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Journal : AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

Students’ Ability in Writing Opinion Essay Using Writing Process Method and a Story Based on Adab Education Hasnawati Hasnawati; E Mujahiddin; Hendri Tanjung
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 15, No 3 (2023): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v15i3.3060


A Good writing is determined by some things, one of which is its process. This study aimed at finding out the influence of the writing process method and a story based on Adab education on the student’s ability to write an opinion essay. The design of this research is mixed method research. The research population was eight classes of undergraduate students in semester 3 of the English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the academic year 2019/2020. The research sample was 37 students that were purposively chosen. The instruments used were a pretest and a posttest. The findings showed that the average posttest score for the experimental class (71.0) was two points higher than the score for the control class (69.0). The results of calculating the difference between the experimental class's posttest and pretest values, a value of 24, were obtained. In contrast, in the control class,  a value of 26 was obtained as the result of calculating the difference between the posttest and pretest values. The difference between the two results was -2. Based on that, the conclusion was that the influence of the writing process method and a story based on Adab's education was insignificant. In other words, the writing process method and a story based on Adab education were similarly good in improving students' competence in writing an opinion essay. The findings suggest the necessity of doing or implementing the writing process and a story based on Adab’s education if students hope to have good English writing particularly an opinion essay.
Co-Authors . Ascarya Aam Slamet Rusydiana Aam Slamet Rusydiana Abbas Mansur Tamam Achmad Dzikri Rajuli Ade Khadijatul Z. HRP Ade Nur Rohim Agung Sri Hendarsa Agus Samsono Agus Windiarto Ahmad Mukri Aji Ahmad Riswantio Ahmad Tafsir Ahmad Tafsir Akhmad Alim Akman Daulay Ali Nurdin Anwar Amelia Sabrina Aminda, Renea Shinta Amir Teungku Ramly Andriani, Maya Annisa Murfadila Arief Rohman Yulianto Asmuni Asmuni Ating Sukma Awaluddin Faj Awaluddin Faj Azhar, Huzaifah Binta Malina Azkiya Budi Handrianto Budi Handrianto Bukhari Is Dede Rustaman Dedi Walujadi Devi, Abrista Didin Hafidhuddin Didin Hafidhuddin Didin Hafidhuddinb Didin Hafidudhin E Mujahiddin Eko Ruddy Cahyadi Emmy Hamidiyah Endis Sopiandi Erwandi Tarmizi Euis Sufi Jatiningsih Fahlul Amri Fahruddin Sukarno Giera Muhammad Rizkiansyah Gunarti Sukriyatun Gunawan Ikhtiono Gustiawati, Syarifah Hakiem, Hilman Hamzah Abdul Karim Prasetyo Hani Fauziah Haryono Haryono Hasanudin Hasanudin Hasnan Hanif Hasnawati Hasnawati Hefriansyah Hefriansyah Henik Hari Astuti Hermanto Siregar Huda, Nurul Ibdalsyah MA Ibdalsyah, Ibdalsyah Ikhwan Hamdani Iman Santoso Imas Kania Rahman Inas Afifah Zahra Indupurnahayu Indupurnahayu Irfan Syauqi Beik Irsan Irwan Habibi Hasibuan Kiki Ismanti Kuni ‘Afifah Lili Puspita Sari Lina Marlina Lita Wulandari Marlina Marlina Martua Siregar, Taufik Akbar Maryasin Abdul Hamid maudy, witri Aulia Maulana Irvan Azhari Mayong Ajiwinanto Megawati Simanjuntak Muhammad Adnan Muhammad Alfi Alhubbufillah Muhammad Garamatan Mujahidin, Endin Mukhamad Yasid Mukhamad Yasid Muslim Marpaung Nadratuzzaman Hosen Nanang Fattah nanang nanang Nanang Widyantoro Nasrudin Anas Nia Ruhaniah Niati Niati Nur Ahmadi Bin Rahman Nur Laili Nur Laili Nur S Buchori Nurul Huda Qurroh Ayuniyyah Rahmat Hidayat Rahmat Mulyana Rahmat Rahmat Rahmi Eka Putri Ramdani, Muhamad Rara Genta Munggarani Basri Rida Nugraha Rifki Ismal Ripki Mulia Rahman Saepudin Saepudin Setiadi Djohar Sholihat, Siskawati Sholikul Hadi Sigit Indra Prianto Siti Rahmawati Siti Salbiah Siti Sopuroh Sri Nooryani Sugara Sugara Sukarno, Fahrudin Sulvia Sabtu Suprihatin Suprihatin Suprihatin Suprihatin Syarifah Gustiawati Syarifah Gustiawati Taufik Akbar Martua Siregar Tefur Rochman Tjetjep Suhandi Trisiladi Supriyanto Trisiladi Supriyanto Widdy Tanzila Witri Aulia Maudy Yono Yono Yudhi Vianto Hadi Prastiono Yudi Saeful Rizal, Yuni Maharani Yupiter, Yupiter Yusri Yusron Zahid Mubarok Zulfia Artiza